Bundles » Development trends and innovation in logistics
The bundle consists of a power point, a reader, a film, exercises with fitting solutions and relevant links and gives an overview of trends and innovations in the transport sector. The most important trends in the transport sector for inland navigation are described in more detail and their significance for inland navigation is discussed.
At the beginning of the PowerPoint presentation you will find the learning objectives and target groups of the bundled teaching materials. The reader as well as the exercises and films serve to consolidate and deepen the learning objectives.
Reader - Development trends and innovation
The document provides you with additional information on the set of slides "Development trends an innovation".
more- You are free to use, adapt and share this reader.
Film: Next Generation Inland Waterway Ship
The NEWS project has developed a Next Generation European Inland Waterway Ship and logistics system to make container transport on inland waterways more cost-, time- and ecologically efficient.
morePlaytime: 12:07:55Download
Synchromodality Game
The aim of this board game is to teach the players the basic elements of synchromodality in a playful way. The game can be played with employees, students and pupils or with interested people.
The players act as logistics service providers and have to fulfil transport orders using inland waterways, rail and road. In the course of fulfilling the transport orders, costs are caused, CO2 is emitted an…